Do Things That Make You Happy

'Time you enjoy wasting, is not wasted time.' - Oscar Wilde 
Na gisteren een lange dag met mijn neus in de boeken te hebben gezeten, werd het tijd om iets te doen waar ik blij van wordt. Wat is er dan beter dan je  camera uit je tas pakken, je kamer rond kijken, inspiratie opdoen uit de kleinste details en gewoon beginnen met fotograferen? 
Steeds vaker realiseer ik me hoe blij ik word van foto's maken. Helaas heb ik er soms minder tijd voor dan ik graag zou willen. Maar, ondanks de tentamenweek, nu toch even een kleine post (en stiekem een beetje Studie Ontwijkend Gedrag, haha). 
Waar word jij blij van na een lange dag studeren?
P.S. Nu je toch lekker blogs leest; neem even een kijkje op FABlefrique, waar Frederique vandaag een gastartikel (geschreven door mij) over fotografie- en poseertips heeft geplaatst!

ENG: Yesterday, after a long day of studying, it was time to do something that makes me happy. What is better than grabbing your camera, looking around in your room, finding inspiration from the tiniest details and just start taking pictures?
More and more I realize how happy photographing makes me. Unfortunately I sometimes have less time for it than I would like to have. But, despite my finals, a little post right now (and secretly a bit of 'Study Avoidance Behaviour', haha).
What makes you happy after a long day of studying?
P.S. now you're already reading blogs; take a look at FABlefrique, where Frederique just posted a guest article (written by me) about photography and posing tips!

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  1. Ah yes! Doing things that make you happy is so important. Cuddling my little brothers is one of them...or reading a good book! I guess it always depends on my mood :)

    Jasmin xx

    1. Oh love that! I also have all these little things that make me happy.. like vanilla scented candles!

  2. Tussen het studeren door, heb ik het ook wel eens nodig mezelf terug op te fleuren met iets leuks te doen. Succes met het studeren nog!
    Doe jij trouwens mee met mijn winactie??
    Liefs, Annelies

    1. Ab-so-luut! En geen mens kan het volhouden om een week lang van wakker worden tot slapen gaan te leren, toch? Ik zal eens een kijkje nemen! ;)

  3. I love that marc jacobs quote!!

    1. It's great, right? Perfect for my photography passion too! :D

  4. Ziet er leuk uit, leuke quote! Ik zou inderdaad zelf ook vaker moeten fotograferen, maar met model fotografie gaat dat minder spontaan :(


    1. Ja absoluut! Ik geef zelf ook altijd de voorkeur voor modelfotografie, maar ik kan helaas niet altijd als ik er zin in heb mijn huisgenoot of ouders fotograferen haha!

  5. Doing things that make me happy is a must! You need to treat yourself daily because if you don't who will. I like treating myself to a good book or ridiculously cheesy reality TV!


    1. I loooooove watching TLC during my finals (also when I'm not in my finals but okay haha). Those reality shows are great to switch your mind off and just watch television!

  6. Haha I always seem to blog more when there are other things I need to do. I like to think of myself as the Procrastination Queen :P At least for me, I think photography is a lot of fun, because it forces you to really look at your surroundings and see it, because just as you can hear without listening, you can look without seeing. Photography helps me find beauty in normal, every day things. After a long day of studying I like to chill out by doing some yoga (I just follow videos from this yoga app I downloaded on my iPad) and eat chocolate :)

    1. Unfortunately I couldn't procrastinate, because the tentams were so incredibly close haha! But I completely agree to the other part! When I have my camera with me I just see the beauty of this world more. You don't only look at the bigger picture, but also see all the little details!

  7. I love these quotes! Particularly the one by Marc Jacobs. So true, you should always follow your passions. I wrote about that today on my blog. Following your bliss brings you greatness.


    1. I love that one too! I have that one together with 'Don't stop until you're proud' in my room. That way I can look at them daily :)

  8. My favorite past time would be blogging and reading blogs. :) Great post!

    Have a nice day! :)


    1. I completely agree with that! I haven't had it for a long time, but now I just love to read a few blogs now and then with a big cup of tea in my hand :) Glad you like the post!

  9. That Marc Jacobs frame is so lovely! And that quote is so true! We all need to do more of what we love and makes us happy :)


  10. it's so important to take time to do things that you enjoy :)

  11. It's great that you love photography and try to make time for it. I wish I had more time to cook at home!



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