London Part 1

10 years ago
Zoals sommigen waarschijnlijk al wisten, ben ik dit weekend in Londen geweest met mijn vriend. We zijn met de bus geweest! Het was een van die bekende kerstshop acties: op vrijdagavond vertrekken en op zondagochtend ben je weer thuis. Wát een avontuur!
We besloten een combinatie te doen van cultuur & winkelen: wat resulteerde in 12 uur lang rondlopen door Londen. We zijn beiden vandaag helemaal gesloopt, ondanks dat we vanochtend om half 6 fijn in bed verder zijn gaan slapen.
Graag geef ik jullie een kijkje in een deel van de vele foto's die ik heb gemaakt. De foto's zijn op chronologische volgorde, zodat jullie een idee krijgen van hoe we onze dag hebben ingedeeld.

As some of you may know already, I went to London this weekend with my boyfriend. We went with the bus. It was a Christmas shopping deal: we left on fridaynight and were back home last night (sundaynight). What an adventure. We decided to do a combination of culture & shopping: which eventually resulted in walking around London for 12 hours straight. We're both absolutely exhausted today, even though we went to bed at 5:30 am this morning to sleep some more.
I'd love to give you a little peek of the many pictures I took this day! The pictures are chronologically listed, so you get an idea of how we spent our day.

Part 2 is coming up soon.

London Eye and the London Aquarium (red building) at 5am, right after stepping out of the bus.

I like this shot! Love the reflection.

In case you ever wondered how the Big Ben looks like at 5 am: here ya go.

Around 7 am I believe. This was after we visited Buckingham Palace. The darkness is finally going away!

The National Gallery! We didn't go in there, but I love the building. This was around 9 am, after we drank a coffee and hot chocolate to warm up (and wake up, haha).

Deciding where to go next, after already having visited the London Eye, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace and Trafalgar Square before 9 am ;)

Piccadilly Circus. I was mesmerized by the Coca Cola ad! 

Love all the typical English pubs.

St. Pancras; amazing building!

And when I saw the Victoria's Secret Store, I of course had to take a peek inside. Some of the runway looks were in this store! I saw a few of the wings, yay! The store was way bigger than I thought (and also way expensive..)

But of course I couldn't resist to buy something ;)

Have you ever visited London?
Part 2 will be up tomorrow or the day after!

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  1. Wow these photos are beautiful!! Looks like you had a great time! :)

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    1. Thanks for the compliment Nicole! And yes, I had such a great time! Part 2 is now online. Check it out if you're interested! :)

  2. I miss London so much. I really liked Trafalgar square. Love your pictures. Great post.


    1. Thanks Leja! London is such a great city.. Part 2 is up now in case you're interested!

  3. beautiful pictures :)

  4. I was just in London visiting a friend! Such an amazing city - you got some great shots. Hope it was a lovely trip :)



    1. Thanks Kaley! Did you go to shop or to also see some culture? And yes, London is such an amazing city. I love it. Thanks for the compliment!

    2. Oh and Part 2 is now online in case you're interested to see the other pictures!

  5. Thanks Marianna!! I had such a lovely time. Part 2 is now online in case you're interested to see the other pictures! And happy holidays to you too!


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