London Part 2

10 years ago
Terwijl ik bezig ben met het opruimen van mijn kamer met 3FM Serious Request op de achtergrond, is het tijd om terug te kijken naar het tweede deel van ons tripje naar London.
In deze post: Oxford Street, Covent Garden en de Tower Bridge.
Covent Garden kon ik mij nog erg goed herinneren van mijn vorige reis naar Londen en ik wilde absoluut terug naar deze altijd bruisende wijk. We waren er rond etenstijd, wat ook betekent dat de sfeer er ontzettend leuk was!

While I'm cleaning my room and listening to the Dutch radio, it's time to look back to the second part of our trip to London.
In this post: Oxford Street, Covent Garden and the Tower Bridge.
I could remember Covent Garden from our last trip to London and I definitely wanted to visit this part of London again this time. I remembered a lot from last time, but not that I loved it this much! ;)

The always crowded Oxford Street. Lots of people were there to get some christmas shopping done.

The famous red bus and the many people of London.

'Picture or it didn't happen'. Jep, there were Candy Crush busses.

Mind the gap! ;) We took the underground multiple times. We prefered to walk around, but because we 'only' had 12 hours and wanted to see so much, we sometimes took the metro.

Covent Garden!

After taking this picture I heard someone scream behind me: 'HE SAID YES!'. A gay couple just got engaged. I would have loved to see the proposal itself! Now I only saw the champagne glasses coming out of a backpack ;)
Covent Garden is known for all the street artists. I hope this picture shows you the great atmosfere and the laughter of all the people. It was crowded, but it didn't annoy me.

And of course the market hall!
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas... :)

Unfortunately this is the closest we got to the Tower Bridge.. After this we had to run (literally) to our bus to go back to the Netherlands. But hey, you always need a reason to go back, right?

Hope you liked this post! 
Have you ever been in Covent Garden? And what do you think of my pictures?
Please leave a comment below, because that would make me so so happy!

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  1. This is actually the first place listed in my bucket list. Hope I could spend my Christmas soon in London as well :)

    Merry Christmas! :)


  2. So lovely to see my favourite city in the world through the eyes of another person :) Great pics!

    Merry Christmas!!

    Jasmin xx

    1. Makes me happy to read this! London is my second favorite city of the world (although I have many other cities to still discover!)

  3. London is SO festive and beautiful at Christmas

    1. True! I had never seen it for myself at Christmas, but of course you always see the pictures online!

  4. And it was even better in real life! It was hard to capture the lovely lights with my camera :)


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